Social Media in TL;DR

The following info graph displays a clear image of the marketing space within large organisations and their social media. There seems to be some enlightening statistics that give good insight into companies thoughts and strategies surrounding social media.

The following is this chart of social media research being unpacked and explored in the form of tl;dr (Too Long; Didn’t Read (I Cant be bothered reading, someone summarise this for me please)):

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TL;DR – Social Media has become a pivotal marketing tool for all organisations, they see it as a ‘must have’ (but they may not know why… more to come)

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TL;DR – the best social media strategies are still being (or soon to be) developed, as brands are still discovering how to effectively target and engage with audiences whilst measuring their social media effectiveness on organisational profits.

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TL;DR – Brands use social media primarily to build brand awareness, with minimal priority for customer service and loyalty (which in my opinion should be flipped the other way around as loyalty and good service should promote good brand awareness). Many marketers are integrating their social media strategies with their traditional methods, although the large organisations are still playing catch up.

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TL;DR – Brands love to copy content from others, although still recognise the importance of creating original content and creating their own, video is the most popular form of content creation.

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TL;DR – Facebook is the most used social media platform, closely followed by twitter. Although surprisingly, Instagram is not even in the top 5 for a platform thats purely non skippable content.

Enjoyed the TL;DR unboxing of the research into social media marketing? i was surprised at a few statistics and would love to hear what surprised anyone else! Leave a thought below!



6 thoughts on “Social Media in TL;DR

  1. Great post! I was surprised that only 11.2% of large companies saw ‘increase consumer loyalty’ as a top priority. Consumer loyalty is something which all brands should focus heavily on. If you can increase the loyalty of your customers you are going to sell more products. Additionally, if consumers are loyal to a brand they are more likely to spread positive word of mouth. This too is likely to increase brand sales.


    1. As was I! could just be the lack of innovation and forward thinking that surrounds such large companies with rigid policies and structures. What goes in favour of these big brands is that there is not a huge need for word of mouth reliance due to the fact that most people are regular purchases or have purchased a product in the past, rather than a new up start that may be trying to release an innovative yet unheard of product.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wish more articles were written in tl;dr, in fact way more things should be in tl;dr (readings). Completely agree with your opinion that brands should focus on customer service and loyalty in relation to social media. Great post!


    1. Hey there Todd,

      Much appreciated for leaving your thoughts here! Yeah i agree, even seeing that chart of statistics seemed way overwhelming when i found it and it supposed to be something thats simplified. It is strange that they place it at such a low priority when isnt the idea of brands being on social media to get ‘social’ through media? haha i always thought being social meant engaging and being friendly with other people, would love to hear your opinion on why only some brands are like this!



  3. I had read up somewhere that facebook was actually in decline and that instagram was rising up. The statistics you presented told me otherwise. I’m surprised as many brands I know are using instagram in promotions. My lecturer for marketing communications had stated that facebook was in decline in the upcoming generation as it was associated with older users. What are your thoughts on this?


    1. Hey Apan46,

      Thanks for the thought! Yes i read that too and i believe it is true but as it stands they are still the current trends of the marketing departments of these large scale organisations. I think your lecture is 100% right, i have younger siblings who primarily use Instagram and tell me that no one even uses Facebook, i would assume that over time it has become more complex to use and difficult to understand for those who are new. Instagram being so simplistic makes it very ideal as an ‘entry’ point to social media for the younger generation. Considering Facebook’s algorithm change makes it nearly impossible to gain awareness for no cost, i reckon Instagram will keep rising, wouldn’t be surprised to see it in the top 3 in 2015.

      Another note to keep in mind: These statistics revolve around the larger brands and companies, i think this has a major impact on why Facebook is still number one, i have my thoughts on why but id love to hear yours first!


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